Type alias QuickBaseResponseUpdateField

QuickBaseResponseUpdateField: {
    appearsByDefault?: boolean;
    audited?: boolean;
    bold?: boolean;
    doesDataCopy?: boolean;
    fieldHelp?: string;
    fieldType?: string;
    findEnabled?: boolean;
    id: number;
    label?: string;
    mode?: string;
    noWrap?: boolean;
    permissions?: {
        permissionType: "None" | "View" | "Modify";
        role: string;
        roleId: number;
    properties?: {
        abbreviate: boolean;
        allowHTML: boolean;
        allowNewChoices: boolean;
        appearsAs: string;
        appendOnly: boolean;
        autoSave: boolean;
        blankIsZero: boolean;
        carryChoices: boolean;
        choices: string[];
        choicesLuid: string[];
        commaStart: number;
        comments: string;
        compositeFields: number[];
        coverText: string;
        currencyFormat: "left" | "right" | "middle";
        currencySymbol: string;
        decimalPlaces: number;
        defaultCountryCode: string;
        defaultDomain: string;
        defaultKind: string;
        defaultToday: boolean;
        defaultValue: string;
        defaultValueLuid: number;
        displayAsLink: boolean;
        displayCheckboxAsText: boolean;
        displayDayOfWeek: boolean;
        displayEmail: string;
        displayMonth: string;
        displayRelative: boolean;
        displayTime: boolean;
        displayTimezone: boolean;
        displayUser: string;
        doesAverage: boolean;
        doesTotal: boolean;
        durationField: number;
        exact: boolean;
        foreignKey: boolean;
        format: number;
        formula: string;
        hasExtension: boolean;
        hours24: boolean;
        linkText: string;
        lookupReferenceFieldId: number;
        lookupTargetFieldId: number;
        masterChoiceFieldId: number;
        masterChoiceTableId: string;
        masterTableTag: string;
        maxLength: number;
        maxVersions: number;
        numLines: number;
        numberFormat: number;
        parentFieldId: number;
        seeVersions: boolean;
        snapFieldId: number;
        sortAlpha: boolean;
        sortAsGiven: boolean;
        sourceFieldId: number;
        startField: number;
        summaryFunction: "AVG" | "SUM" | "MAX" | "MIN" | "STD-DEV" | "COUNT" | "COMBINED-TEXT" | "DISTINCT-COUNT";
        summaryReferenceFieldId: number;
        summaryTargetFieldId: number;
        targetFieldId: number;
        targetTableId: string;
        targetTableName: string;
        units: string;
        useI18NFormat: boolean;
        useNewWindow: boolean;
        versionMode: "keepallversions" | "keeplastversions";
        width: number;
        workWeek: number;
        xmlTag: string;
    required?: boolean;
    unique?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional appearsByDefault?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is marked as a default in reports.

  • Optional audited?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is being tracked as part of Quickbase Audit Logs.

  • Optional bold?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is configured to display in bold in the product.

  • Optional doesDataCopy?: boolean

    Indicates if the field data will copy when a user copies the record.

  • Optional fieldHelp?: string

    The configured help text shown to users within the product.

  • Optional fieldType?: string

    The type of field, as described here.

  • Optional findEnabled?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is marked as searchable.

  • id: number

    The id of the field, unique to this table.

  • Optional label?: string

    The label (name) of the field.

  • Optional mode?: string

    For derived fields, this will be 'lookup', 'summary', or 'formula', to indicate the type of derived field. For non-derived fields, this will be blank.

  • Optional noWrap?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is configured to not wrap when displayed in the product.

  • Optional permissions?: {
        permissionType: "None" | "View" | "Modify";
        role: string;
        roleId: number;

    Field Permissions for different roles.

  • Optional properties?: {
        abbreviate: boolean;
        allowHTML: boolean;
        allowNewChoices: boolean;
        appearsAs: string;
        appendOnly: boolean;
        autoSave: boolean;
        blankIsZero: boolean;
        carryChoices: boolean;
        choices: string[];
        choicesLuid: string[];
        commaStart: number;
        comments: string;
        compositeFields: number[];
        coverText: string;
        currencyFormat: "left" | "right" | "middle";
        currencySymbol: string;
        decimalPlaces: number;
        defaultCountryCode: string;
        defaultDomain: string;
        defaultKind: string;
        defaultToday: boolean;
        defaultValue: string;
        defaultValueLuid: number;
        displayAsLink: boolean;
        displayCheckboxAsText: boolean;
        displayDayOfWeek: boolean;
        displayEmail: string;
        displayMonth: string;
        displayRelative: boolean;
        displayTime: boolean;
        displayTimezone: boolean;
        displayUser: string;
        doesAverage: boolean;
        doesTotal: boolean;
        durationField: number;
        exact: boolean;
        foreignKey: boolean;
        format: number;
        formula: string;
        hasExtension: boolean;
        hours24: boolean;
        linkText: string;
        lookupReferenceFieldId: number;
        lookupTargetFieldId: number;
        masterChoiceFieldId: number;
        masterChoiceTableId: string;
        masterTableTag: string;
        maxLength: number;
        maxVersions: number;
        numLines: number;
        numberFormat: number;
        parentFieldId: number;
        seeVersions: boolean;
        snapFieldId: number;
        sortAlpha: boolean;
        sortAsGiven: boolean;
        sourceFieldId: number;
        startField: number;
        summaryFunction: "AVG" | "SUM" | "MAX" | "MIN" | "STD-DEV" | "COUNT" | "COMBINED-TEXT" | "DISTINCT-COUNT";
        summaryReferenceFieldId: number;
        summaryTargetFieldId: number;
        targetFieldId: number;
        targetTableId: string;
        targetTableName: string;
        units: string;
        useI18NFormat: boolean;
        useNewWindow: boolean;
        versionMode: "keepallversions" | "keeplastversions";
        width: number;
        workWeek: number;
        xmlTag: string;

    Additional properties for the field. Please see Field type details page for more details on the properties for each field type.

    • abbreviate: boolean

      Don't show the URL protocol when showing the URL.

    • allowHTML: boolean

      Whether this field allows html.

    • allowNewChoices: boolean

      Indicates if users can add new choices to a selection list.

    • appearsAs: string

      The link text, if empty, the url will be used as link text.

    • appendOnly: boolean

      Whether this field is append only.

    • autoSave: boolean

      Whether the link field will auto save.

    • blankIsZero: boolean

      Whether a blank value is treated the same as 0 in calculations within the product.

    • carryChoices: boolean

      Whether the field should carry its multiple choice fields when copied.

    • choices: string[]

      An array of entries that exist for a field that offers choices to the user.

    • choicesLuid: string[]

      List of user choices.

    • commaStart: number

      The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.

    • comments: string

      The comments entered on the field properties by an administrator.

    • compositeFields: number[]

      An array of the fields that make up a composite field (e.g., address).

    • coverText: string

      An alternate user friendly text that can be used to display a link in the browser.

    • currencyFormat: "left" | "right" | "middle"

      The currency format used when displaying field values within the product.

    • currencySymbol: string

      The current symbol used when displaying field values within the product.

    • decimalPlaces: number

      The number of decimal places displayed in the product for this field.

    • defaultCountryCode: string

      Controls the default country shown on international phone widgets on forms. Country code should be entered in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

    • defaultDomain: string

      Default email domain.

    • defaultKind: string

      The user default type.

    • defaultToday: boolean

      Indicates if the field value is defaulted today for new records.

    • defaultValue: string

      The default value configured for a field when a new record is added.

    • defaultValueLuid: number

      Default user id value.

    • displayAsLink: boolean

      Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.

    • displayCheckboxAsText: boolean

      Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.

    • displayDayOfWeek: boolean

      Indicates whether to display the day of the week within the product.

    • displayEmail: string

      How the email is displayed.

    • displayMonth: string

      How to display months.

    • displayRelative: boolean

      Whether to display time as relative.

    • displayTime: boolean

      Indicates whether to display the time, in addition to the date.

    • displayTimezone: boolean

      Indicates whether to display the timezone within the product.

    • displayUser: string

      The configured option for how users display within the product.

    • doesAverage: boolean

      Whether this field averages in reports within the product.

    • doesTotal: boolean

      Whether this field totals in reports within the product.

    • durationField: number

      The duration field id.

    • exact: boolean

      Whether an exact match is required for a report link.

    • foreignKey: boolean

      Indicates if the field is a foreign key (or reference field) in a relationship.

    • format: number

      The format to display time.

    • formula: string

      The formula of the field as configured in Quickbase.

    • hasExtension: boolean

      Whether this field has a phone extension.

    • hours24: boolean

      Indicates whether or not to display time in the 24-hour format within the product.

    • linkText: string

      The configured text value that replaces the URL that users see within the product.

    • lookupReferenceFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this lookup.

    • lookupTargetFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is the target on the master table for this lookup.

    • masterChoiceFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship.

    • masterChoiceTableId: string

      The id of the table that is the master in this relationship.

    • masterTableTag: string

      The table alias for the master table in the relationship this field is part of.

    • maxLength: number

      The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in Quickbase for this field.

    • maxVersions: number

      The maximum number of versions configured for a file attachment.

    • numLines: number

      The number of lines shown in Quickbase for this text field.

    • numberFormat: number

      The format used for displaying numeric values in the product (decimal, separators, digit group).

    • parentFieldId: number

      The id of the parent composite field, when applicable.

    • seeVersions: boolean

      Indicates if the user can see other versions, aside from the most recent, of a file attachment within the product.

    • snapFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is used to snapshot values from, when applicable.

    • sortAlpha: boolean

      Whether to sort alphabetically, default sort is by record ID.

    • sortAsGiven: boolean

      Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.

    • sourceFieldId: number

      The id of the source field.

    • startField: number

      The start field id.

    • summaryFunction: "AVG" | "SUM" | "MAX" | "MIN" | "STD-DEV" | "COUNT" | "COMBINED-TEXT" | "DISTINCT-COUNT"

      The summary accumulation function type.

    • summaryReferenceFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this summary.

    • summaryTargetFieldId: number

      The id of the field that is used to aggregate values from the child, when applicable. This displays 0 if the summary function doesn’t require a field selection (like count).

    • targetFieldId: number

      The id of the target field.

    • targetTableId: string

      The id of the target table.

    • targetTableName: string

      The field's target table name.

    • units: string

      The units label.

    • useI18NFormat: boolean

      Whether phone numbers should be in E.164 standard international format.

    • useNewWindow: boolean

      Indicates if the URL should open a new window when a user clicks it within the product.

    • versionMode: "keepallversions" | "keeplastversions"

      Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.

    • width: number

      The field's html input width in the product.

    • workWeek: number

      The work week type.

    • xmlTag: string

      The field's xml tag.

  • Optional required?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is marked required.

  • Optional unique?: boolean

    Indicates if the field is marked unique.

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